Wednesday, August 24, 2005


You come to me with a smile
For a while we were together,
You showered me with the sweetest smile
one could ever have
I was happy
I was truly happy.
I those times when we talk and laugh
About anything and everything
Just talking made me happy
Just seeing you made me happy.
I shared you my love
I especially love those times when we held each other
Sing on the top of our lungs
while we were dancing in the moonlight.

For a while we were happy
There was joy in our hearts
Together we sang for sisterhood
Together we all sang for brotherhood
I am very happy I've known you.

Then I left for a while...
When I came back you're gone
That night was over
Though I didn't kiss you goodbye
And thank you for the wonderful moments we've had
I know this isn't the last
I'll see you again
I'll see you soon.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

What is this I feel

The wind is cold
It's hard to think
I feel cold
I'm shivering
But I don't like going to bed
I'd like to spend my time outside
I'd like to see the night sky,
look at the stars and the moon
whisper my thoughts to the wind
hear the leaves dancing
and just be with myself.
I don't wanna talk to anybody
I just want the time to be alone
I guess I'm just missing those moments
Those moments I get to talk to myself at nights
when I can really hear my thoughts.
Yeah, I think so...
I haven't done that for awhile.
But what is this I feel
For some reasons that I do not know
My heart is pressing me
I feel like crying...
This isn't the first time
I have always felt this way
I don't know why
I thought maybe I'm being so emotional
But for what reason and why
That..... I do not know
All I know is that
I would just like talking to my heart
And listen to what it has to say,
And my heart is pressing me again
Something is calling me.