You come to me with a smile
For a while we were together,
You showered me with the sweetest smile
one could ever have
I was happy
I was truly happy.
I those times when we talk and laugh
About anything and everything
Just talking made me happy
Just seeing you made me happy.
I shared you my love
I especially love those times when we held each other
Sing on the top of our lungs
while we were dancing in the moonlight.
For a while we were happy
There was joy in our hearts
Together we sang for sisterhood
Together we all sang for brotherhood
I am very happy I've known you.
Then I left for a while...
When I came back you're gone
That night was over
Though I didn't kiss you goodbye
And thank you for the wonderful moments we've had
I know this isn't the last
I'll see you again
I'll see you soon.